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Folleto actual Jafra - Válido del 01.01 al 31.12 - Página nº 14

Folleto Jafra 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023

Artículos en este catálogo

CLEAR SMART — STEP 1: CLEANSE BUNDLE —— cLamiemno $ 98 CLEANSING FOAM A2moz 27 | 43006 e Cent caerse size pes nl Dies, New AFTER 4 WEEKS, 100% ages at impreso CLEAR SMART — isivoona os orah NECESSITIES — Howtousernosaos BUNDLE or vella and eS VO A,D,E 315179 26 1jatacon B, STEP 1: TONE 3: CLEAR SMART CLEAR COMPLEXION TONER 671.02 $29 | 43029 Instant refreshes sin vilo elminating excess l. Helps keep pores clear “nd reduce breakouts, AFTER 4 WEEKS, 99% aquesta Lromovos land dead skín Howto Use: Sw turated cotton pad twice dal after cleansing 90 O. STEP 2: TARGET BLEMISHES %< CLEAR SMART BLEMISH SPOT TREATMENT. 51.02 $22 | 49027 Reduces the look of blerishes in as Ile as hours” ONFIAST APPLICATION 88% gres nat it works immedatey" How to Use: Ay ¿recti to individual blemishes twice dally afertoner BEFORE D,STEPO:: HYDRATE 8 ccLean smarT CLEAR PORE HVDRATOR 174. ser | 800 Utra-ight vit ratio tino, blomish and al-day alcontral AFTER 4 WEEKS, 100% ¡ore hrdated sand a reduction in Apply twice dal after cleaning. "fs ACNE SOLUTIONS E STEP 4: PROTECT 8 MATTIFY CLEAR SMART SHINE CONTROL SUNSCREEN BROAD SPECTRUM 71Loz $36 43081 ted, ole UV protection for blemish-prone skin AFTER 4 WEEKS, 9 OUT NEW <CLEAR SMART -OAL OF 10 saw soft bal BLACKHEAD SCRUB protected skin with improved tex se fioos Use: Apply each rearmy, ultrafne scrub penetrates. morning after moisturizer. pores to eliminate most blackheads without ding sin AFTER FIRST USE, 97% agreed it gent cleanses and putos sin Howto Use: Massago onto damp. skin using circular motions, then inse borough. Use two times per week sracon ¡27 PM

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CLEAR SMART — STEP 1: CLEANSE BUNDLE —— cLamiemno $ 98 CLEANSING FOAM A2moz 27 | 43006 e Cent caerse size pes nl Dies, New AFTER 4 WEEKS, 100% ages at impreso CLEAR SMART — isivoona os orah NECESSITIES — Howtousernosaos BUNDLE or vella and eS VO A,D,E 315179 26 1jatacon B, STEP 1: TONE 3: CLEAR SMART CLEAR COMPLEXION TONER 671.02 $29 | 43029 Instant refreshes sin vilo elminating excess l. Helps keep pores clear “nd reduce breakouts, AFTER 4 WEEKS, 99% aquesta Lromovos land dead skín Howto Use: Sw turated cotton pad twice dal after cleansing 90 O. STEP 2: TARGET BLEMISHES %< CLEAR SMART BLEMISH SPOT TREATMENT. 51.02 $22 | 49027 Reduces the look of blerishes in as Ile as hours” ONFIAST APPLICATION 88% gres nat it works immedatey" How to Use: Ay ¿recti to individual blemishes twice dally afertoner BEFORE D,STEPO:: HYDRATE 8 ccLean smarT CLEAR PORE HVDRATOR 174. ser | 800 Utra-ight vit ratio tino, blomish and al-day alcontral AFTER 4 WEEKS, 100% ¡ore hrdated sand a reduction in Apply twice dal after cleaning. "fs ACNE SOLUTIONS E STEP 4: PROTECT 8 MATTIFY CLEAR SMART SHINE CONTROL SUNSCREEN BROAD SPECTRUM 71Loz $36 43081 ted, ole UV protection for blemish-prone skin AFTER 4 WEEKS, 9 OUT NEW <CLEAR SMART -OAL OF 10 saw soft bal BLACKHEAD SCRUB protected skin with improved tex se fioos Use: Apply each rearmy, ultrafne scrub penetrates. morning after moisturizer. pores to eliminate most blackheads without ding sin AFTER FIRST USE, 97% agreed it gent cleanses and putos sin Howto Use: Massago onto damp. skin using circular motions, then inse borough. Use two times per week sracon ¡27 PM

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