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Folleto actual Jafra - Válido del 01.01 al 31.12 - Página nº 36

Folleto Jafra 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2023

Artículos en este catálogo

BROW£BUILDERS Achieve your dream brow with ease. STEP 1 SHAPE £ DEFINE BROW PENCIL | 04 02. cach $16 each Glides xs with caso. smooth to shape, fl and define br How To Use: Shape and flin your brows with shor, Ight strokes. E) Cool Brunetto ¿Cool Soft Black 38596 38535 Warm Brunetto — (fis, Dark Blonde 38694 38597 MICRO BROW PENCIL. $20 each How To Use: Uso halo srokes 1 DA AA 31») BRow POWDER DUO $22 each Cool Sot Black Warm Brunette po] "39020, 0 Cao! Brunetto 58632 org IAS LA ARES $20 each Universal D: Clear Blonde e a» WATERPROOF + INTENSE 38019 38017 e tcs rieron TERPROOF MASCARA Brunotte Soft Black Comb y nto plac 38018 38016 70 tacon Ñ

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BROW£BUILDERS Achieve your dream brow with ease. STEP 1 SHAPE £ DEFINE BROW PENCIL | 04 02. cach $16 each Glides xs with caso. smooth to shape, fl and define br How To Use: Shape and flin your brows with shor, Ight strokes. E) Cool Brunetto ¿Cool Soft Black 38596 38535 Warm Brunetto — (fis, Dark Blonde 38694 38597 MICRO BROW PENCIL. $20 each How To Use: Uso halo srokes 1 DA AA 31») BRow POWDER DUO $22 each Cool Sot Black Warm Brunette po] "39020, 0 Cao! Brunetto 58632 org IAS LA ARES $20 each Universal D: Clear Blonde e a» WATERPROOF + INTENSE 38019 38017 e tcs rieron TERPROOF MASCARA Brunotte Soft Black Comb y nto plac 38018 38016 70 tacon Ñ

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