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Folleto actual Jafra - Válido del 01.02 al 28.02 - Página nº 171

Folleto Jafra 01.02.2025 - 28.02.2025

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MAMA AAA NO YOU'VE SEEN? _This is your sign to join JAFRA today! INES RS ci IN RE ci WANT TO Al FIND OUT MORE? FIND ME AT JAFRA.COM/ OR CONTACT ME AT: STEP 1GET YOUR $25 KIT STEP 2 ADD AN OPTIONAL PACK MEA IO DOS Pack | t (Seasonal) s e 1 % mu | a e Da Discover the beauty of JAFRA = Use these products to try, demo, or sell. Plus, you'll E) unlock 50% commission* Scan the with 4 best sellers for an incredible value. Plus, enjoy a 4 a special offers, ree training, and atenas Herbie your own personalized website. see all the PACKS! *50% commission is based on Cumulative Monthly Retail Sales of $400 or more.

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