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Folleto actual Jafra - Válido del 01.09 al 30.09 - Página nº 21

Folleto Jafra 01.09.2023 - 30.09.2023

Artículos en este catálogo

SPOIL YOURSELF Es FROM HEAD TO TOE als: Delivers intense Create your customized collection of fruit-forward body care, | Pera aos botanical-based hair care £ mani/pedi treats. Let the pampering begin! a pros mba Helosimprove the IooKof both ola and newscars. Frutería LA. very Verde Botanical Sn, e en Discos Fnoisturizng,so you aaa feel clean aná fresh a 2102 Prevents unmanted Garasos breakage and . Silky Smooth 0 adasenne Foot Balm||67 11.02 fruteri Beautifies, smooths, E JAFRA Spa a andrevitalzo: . Charcoal rte Pumice Foot a Polish | 4.2 fl. oz a olaa toma lps scr di Bose . Very Verde Body Lotion 1671.02 Leaves sin feting soft, smooth, hydrated, and S lightly scented. -— JAFRA Spa Jojoba £ Papaya Hand Polish | 251.02. rm Softens hands and cuticieswith a ightfu,creamy texture E PMC. eeranica seis A y 3 molar rene E | ale mask] 6 <E o conáions ana E fos train JAFRA Spa - Niacinamide 1 Etiana Cream M cam Spr1s CHOOSE 1 FREE HI ul Pi pás E il ps gsorástán Pepin BS grana Royal Olive Exfoliating o Bs Fono, Serub wit Olive A __—_— softening and Olland Vitamin £ 1671.02. A. Very Verde Lip Balm So0thing dy sin. Genti exfolates with ground E Eds Cc UA Bat ¿live seedto leavo skin smooth C.NEWICoco Fresco Lip Balm 7 g7 and glowing. M0 MA

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SPOIL YOURSELF Es FROM HEAD TO TOE als: Delivers intense Create your customized collection of fruit-forward body care, | Pera aos botanical-based hair care £ mani/pedi treats. Let the pampering begin! a pros mba Helosimprove the IooKof both ola and newscars. Frutería LA. very Verde Botanical Sn, e en Discos Fnoisturizng,so you aaa feel clean aná fresh a 2102 Prevents unmanted Garasos breakage and . Silky Smooth 0 adasenne Foot Balm||67 11.02 fruteri Beautifies, smooths, E JAFRA Spa a andrevitalzo: . Charcoal rte Pumice Foot a Polish | 4.2 fl. oz a olaa toma lps scr di Bose . Very Verde Body Lotion 1671.02 Leaves sin feting soft, smooth, hydrated, and S lightly scented. -— JAFRA Spa Jojoba £ Papaya Hand Polish | 251.02. rm Softens hands and cuticieswith a ightfu,creamy texture E PMC. eeranica seis A y 3 molar rene E | ale mask] 6 <E o conáions ana E fos train JAFRA Spa - Niacinamide 1 Etiana Cream M cam Spr1s CHOOSE 1 FREE HI ul Pi pás E il ps gsorástán Pepin BS grana Royal Olive Exfoliating o Bs Fono, Serub wit Olive A __—_— softening and Olland Vitamin £ 1671.02. A. Very Verde Lip Balm So0thing dy sin. Genti exfolates with ground E Eds Cc UA Bat ¿live seedto leavo skin smooth C.NEWICoco Fresco Lip Balm 7 g7 and glowing. M0 MA

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