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Folleto actual Jafra - Válido del 01.01 al 31.01 - Página nº 6

Folleto Jafra 01.01.2024 - 31.01.2024

Artículos en este catálogo

SELF-CARE él a BACK IN E É STOCK 1 Sweet almond oil “omega fatty acias. y + es ROYAL ALMOND BUNDLE $51 576515102 y INCLUDES: A. Enriching Hand and 8. Hydrating Body Lotion C.Rich Body Oil with Body Wash with with Vitamin E [8.4fL.oz.— — VitaminE| 8411.02. < je Vitamin E 16.702. Absorbs quickly to LLocks in moisture to og leave your skin feeling leave skin feeling soft Á Gently cleanses your “and looking lurninous. hands and body without velvety smoot stripping moisture. y 10 et glowing vweith this blend of almond seed meal, salt and almond oil gal Ali SALTED ALMOND BODY SCRI UB WITH VITAMIN E 1535 | 318936 70502. Polishes away dry skin, leaving your body feeling velvety soft and smooth. FREE GIFT with purchase of (318936) Royal Almond Mini Hand Cream. $N retail Tf.oz value! jattacom 11

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SELF-CARE él a BACK IN E É STOCK 1 Sweet almond oil “omega fatty acias. y + es ROYAL ALMOND BUNDLE $51 576515102 y INCLUDES: A. Enriching Hand and 8. Hydrating Body Lotion C.Rich Body Oil with Body Wash with with Vitamin E [8.4fL.oz.— — VitaminE| 8411.02. < je Vitamin E 16.702. Absorbs quickly to LLocks in moisture to og leave your skin feeling leave skin feeling soft Á Gently cleanses your “and looking lurninous. hands and body without velvety smoot stripping moisture. y 10 et glowing vweith this blend of almond seed meal, salt and almond oil gal Ali SALTED ALMOND BODY SCRI UB WITH VITAMIN E 1535 | 318936 70502. Polishes away dry skin, leaving your body feeling velvety soft and smooth. FREE GIFT with purchase of (318936) Royal Almond Mini Hand Cream. $N retail Tf.oz value! jattacom 11

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